Student Book Reviews


Hey everyone! This is where you have the opportunity to show off your analytical writing skills. As you know you must review four of your independent reading books this year. At least one of your written reviews will be published on this page. When possible, I will add a picture of your projects as well. You are all doing a wonderful job so far! The books chosen have been impressive, and your writing skills have notably improved. Keep it up!

2 responses to “Student Book Reviews

  1. Natasha

    Four of my independent reading books were: A Dogs Life, The Journal of Jessie Smoke (a dear america book), A Tale of Two Canines, and right know i am reading A Coal Miner’s Wife the diary of Anetka Kiminska and so far it is really good, another nice thing about have Katya as a friend is that if there is a word or name I can’t prononce I can have Katya help me. Katya is a really good friend.

  2. Natalie

    Hi. Some books I have read this year are the Harry Potter books 1-3, Ruby Holler, Bud not Buddy, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid 1-4, and I’m reading Flush. I’m only about 5 pages through the book so so far; I only know a boy’s dad is in jail. Another book I’m going to do for a book review is a book called Shadow Horse. I’ve read Shadow Horse about 3 times but it is just so good. It’s about this girl who stabs a stables owner with a hoof pick because she thinks he killed her horse Whirlwind. Jass has to go to a place where she lives and works at a farm for rescue animals. Then she and the other stable hand and the owner of the stables go to a horse sale so just one more horse doesn’t go to the killers and gets to live a bit longer. Well, they buy a horse that Jass knows how to treat because she had seen it in another horses stall at the stables she had Whirlwind at. Then she figures out that the horse that they bought was the horse that had the disease and the horse that they thought had died “Alladin” was actualy a ringer that the guy had killed so he could get the insurance money. Jass figures out that what they thought was Whirlwind was really a ringer of the real Whirlwind and the real Whirlwind was now in South America. Jass’s charges are dropped and her only living relative, her grandfather, was to old to live with even though she loved him dearly. She decded to keep living at the farm because she had kinda gotten used to the farm and was staying there through college.

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